88. Micromechanical resonator with dielectric nonlinearity.
Farrukh Mateen, Joseph A. Boales, Shyamsunder Erramilli & Pritiraj Mohanty
Microsystems & Nanoengineering 4, 14 (2018)
87. Measurement of nonlinear piezoelectric coefficients using a micromechanical resonator.
Joseph A. Boales, Shyamsunder Erramilli & Pritiraj Mohanty
Applied Physics Letters 113, 083501 (2018)
86. Micromechanical Resonator Driven by Radiation Pressure Force.
Joseph A. Boales, Farrukh Mateen & Pritiraj Mohanty
Scientific Reports 7, 16056 (2017)
85. Optical wireless information transfer with nonlinear micromechanical resonators.
Joseph A. Boales, Farrukh Mateen & Pritiraj Mohanty
Microsystems & Nanoengineering 3, 17026 (2017)
84. Micromechanical microphone using sideband modulation of nonlinear resonators.
Joseph A. Boales, Farrukh Mateen, and Pritiraj Mohanty
Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 093504 (2017)
83. Autoassociative Memory and Pattern Recognition in Micromechanical Oscillator Network.
Ankit Kumar and Priitiraj Mohanty,
Scientific Reports 7, 411 (2017)
82. Wireless Actuation of Bulk Acoustic Modes (BAW) in Micromechanical Resonators.
Farrukh Mateen, Benjamin Brown, Shyamsunder Erramilli, Pritiraj Mohanty,
Applied Physics Letters (2016)
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81. Wireless actuation of micromechanical resonators
Farrukh Matteen, Carsten Maedler, Shyamsunder Erramilli and Pritiraj Mohanty, Nature - Microsystems and Nanoengineering 2, 16036 (2016)
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80. Wireless transfer of power by a 35-GHz metamaterial split-ring resonator rectenna.
Carsten Maedler, George Kaiser, Adrian Yi, Jason Christopher, Mi K. Hong, Alket Metiri, Larry House, Husevin R. Seren, Xin Zhang, Richard Averitt, Pritiraj Mohanty, Shyamsunder Erramilli (2016)
79. Perspective: Melanoma diagnosis and monitoring: Sunrise for melanoma therapy but early detection remains in the shade.
Remco Spanjaard, David Weaver, Shyamsunder Erramilli, Pritiraj Mohanty (2016)
78. Nanomechanical detection of the spin Hall effect.
Joseph Boales, Carl Boone, Pritiraj Mohanty
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77. Sensing of the melanoma biomarker TROY using silicon nanowire field-effect transistors.
Carsten Maedler, Daniel Kim, Remco A. Spanjaard, Mi Hong, Shyamsunder Erramilli, Pritiraj Mohanty
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76. Dissipation in Nanoelectromechanical Systems (Review).
Matthias Imboden & Pritiraj Mohanty
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75. A Nanomechanical Fredkin Gate.
Josef-Stefan Wenzler, Tyler Dunn, Tommaso Toffoli, P. Mohanty
Nano Letters 89, 14 (2014)
74. Observation of Nonlinear Dissipation in Piezoresistive Diamond Nanomechanical Resonators by Heterodyne Down-Mixing.
Matthias Imboden, Oliver A. Williams, Pritiraj Mohanty
Nano Letters 13, 4014 (2013)
73. Nonlinear dissipation in diamond nanoelectromechanical resonators.
Matthias Imboden, Oliver A. Williams, Pritiraj Mohanty
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72. Diamond Nano-electro-mechanical Systems (Review).
M. Imboden and P. Mohanty, Invited Review in Nanodiamond
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71. Tunable nanowire Wheatstone bridge for improved sensitivity in molecular recognition.
Carsten Maedler, S. Erramilli, L. J. House, M. K. Hong, and P. Mohanty
Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 043112 (2013)
70. Nanosensors for Breast Cancer Diagnosis.
Pritiraj Mohanty, Y. Chen, X. Wang, M. K. Hong, C. L. Rosenberg, D. T. Weaver and S. Erramilli
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69. Energy measurement in nonlinearly coupled nanomechanical modes.
A. Gaidarzhy, J. Dorignac, G. Zolfagharkhani, M. Imboden and P. Mohanty, Appl. Phys. Lett., 98, 264106 (2011)
68. Nanoelectronic detection of breast cancer biomarker
Y. Chen, X. Wang, M. K. Hong, C. L. Rosenberg, B. M. Reinhard, S. Erramilli and P. Mohanty
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67. Anharmonic modal coupling in a bulk micromechanical resonator
Tyler Dunn, J. Wenzler and P. Mohanty
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66. A Noise-Assisted Reprogrammable Nanomechanical Logic Gate
D. N. Guerra, A. R. Bulsara, W. L. Ditto, S. Sinha, K. Murali and P. Mohanty
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65. High Performance MEMS Oscillators for Communications Applications
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63. Signal amplification by 1/f noise in silicon-based nanomechanical resonators
D. N. Guerra, T. Dunn and P. Mohanty, Nano Lett., 9 (9), 3096 (2009)
62. Noise color and asymmetry in stochastic resonance with silicon nanomechanical resonators
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61. Nanomechanical Resonators
J. Wenzler, M. Imboden, T. Dunn, D. N. Guerra, and P. Mohanty
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60. Arbitrary distribution and nonlinear modal interaction in coupled nanomechanical resonators
J. Dorignac, A. Gaidarzhy, and P. Mohanty
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59. Evidence of universality in the dynamical response of micromechanical ultra-nanocrystalline diamond resonators at millikelvin temperatures
M. Imboden and P. Mohanty
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58. Nanomechanical detection of itinerant electron spin flip
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57. Nanoelectromechanical system-integrated detector with silicon nanomechanical resonator and silicon nanochannel field effect transistor
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56. Response spectrum of coupled nanomechanical resonators
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55. Electrostatically actuated silicon-based nanomechanical switch at room temperature
D. N. Guerra, M. Imboden and Pritiraj Mohanty
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54. Measurement of Aharonov-Bohm oscillations in mesoscopic metallic rings in the presence of a high-frequency electromagnetic field
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53. Surface-modified silicon nano-channel for urea sensing
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52. Model of response spectrum and modal interaction in coupled nanomechanical resonators
J. Dorignac, A. Gaidarzhy, Pritiraj Mohanty
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51. Quantum Nanomechanics
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50. Channel-Width Dependent Enhancement in Nanoscale Field Effect Transistor
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49. Silicon-based Nanochannel Glucose Sensor
X. Wang, Y. Chen, K. A. Gibney, S. Erramilli, and Pritiraj Mohanty
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48. Nanoscale Field Effect Transistors for Biomolecular Signal Amplification
Y. Chen, X. Wang, M. K. Hong, S. Erramilli, Pritiraj Mohanty and C. Rosenberg
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47. Synchronized Oscillation in Coupled Nanomechanical Oscillators
S. Shim, M. Imboden, Pritiraj Mohanty
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46. High Quality Factor Gigahertz Frequency in Nanomechanical Diamond Resonators
A. Gaidarzhy, M. Imboden, Pritiraj Mohanty, J. Rankin and B. W. Sheldon
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45. Micromechanical Resonators Fabricated from Lattice-Matched & Etch-Selective GaAs/InGaP/GaAs Heterostructures
S. B. Shim, J. S. Chun, S. W. Kang, S. W. Cho, S. W. Cho, Y. D. Park, Pritiraj Mohanty, N. Kim and J. Kim
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44. Electron Coherence at Low Temperatures: The role of magnetic impurities
Laurent Saminadayar, Pritiraj Mohanty, Richard A. Webb, Pascal Degiovanni, and Christopher Bauerle
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43. Scaling of dissipation in megahertz-range micromechanical diamond oscillators
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42. Dynamical Response of Nanomechanical Oscillators in Immiscible Viscous Fluid for in vitro Biomolecular Recognition
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41. Silicon-based Nanoelectronic Field-Effect pH Sensor with Local Gate Control
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40. Quantized Displacement in Nanomechanical Oscillators at Millikelvin Temperatures
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39. Coherent Signal Amplification in a Nanomechanical Oscillator via Stochastic Resonance
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38. Coherent Signal Amplification in Bistable Nanomechanical Oscillators by Stochastic Resonance
Robert L. Badzey and Pritiraj Mohanty
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37. Nano-oscillators get it together (Commentary)
Pritiraj Mohanty
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36. Signal Processing and Control in Nonlinear Nanomechanical Systems
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35. Quantum Friction in Nanomechanical Oscillators at Millikelvin Temperatures
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34. Reply to the Comment on “Evidence for Quantized Displacement…”
A. Gaidarzhy, G. Zolfagharkhani, R. L. Badzey, and Pritiraj Mohanty
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33. Spectral Response of a Gigahertz-Range Nanomechanical Oscillator
Alexei Gaidarzhy, Guiti Zolfagharkhani, Robert L. Badzey, and Pritiraj Mohanty
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32. Evidence for Quantized Displacement in Macroscopic Nanomechanical Oscillators
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31. Temperature Dependence of a Nanomechanical Memory Switch
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30. A Controllable Nanomechanical Memory Element
Robert L. Badzey, Guiti Zolfagharkhani, Alexei Gairdazhy, Pritiraj Mohanty
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29. A Spin-Mechanical Device for the Detection and Control of Spins with Nanomechanical Torque
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28. Nanoscale High-Temperature Superconductivity
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27. “Possible Violation of One-Parameter Scaling Hypothesis: Anomalous Conductance Distribution of Gold Nanowires” (Reply)
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26. High-Field Measurement of Electron Decoherence in Metallic Nanowires: Switching off Magnetic Impurity Spins
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25. Quantum Friction of Micro-Mechanical Resonators at Low Temperatures
Kang-Hun Ahn and Pritiraj Mohanty
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24.Electron Decoherence by a Single Spin
Pritiraj Mohanty
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23. Anomalous Conductance Distribution in Quasi-One Dimensional Gold Wires: Possible Violation of One-Parameter Scaling Hypothesis
Pritiraj Mohanty and Richard A. Webb
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22. Intrinsic Dissipation in High-Frequency Micromechanical Resonators
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21. Of Decoherent Electrons and Disordered Conductors
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20. Diamagnetic Persistent Current in Normal Metals
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19. Dephasing of electrons by two-level systems in quantum dots
K. Ahn, Pritiraj Mohanty
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18. Electron decoherence at zero tempetaure: the phenomenology and associated difficulties
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17. Low Temperature Anomaly in Mesoscopic Kondo Wires
Pritiraj Mohanty and Richard A.Webb, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 4481 (2000), PRL local pdf
16. An Analytic Description of Light Emission in Sonoluminescence
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15. Electromagnetic Field Correlation inside a Sonoluminescing Bubble
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14. Notes on Decoherence at Absolute Zero
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13. Measurement of Small Forces in Micron-sized Resonators
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11. Persistent Current in Normal Metals
Pritiraj Mohanty
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10. Insulator-Metal Crossover near Optimal Doping in PCCO: Anomalous Normal-State Resistivity
P. Fournier, Pritiraj Mohanty, et al.,
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9. Sonoluminescence as a Manybody Cooperative Phenomenon
Pritiraj Mohanty, S.V. Khare
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8. “New measurements of decoherence rate” in Quantum Coherence and Decoherence
R. A. Webb, Pritiraj Mohanty & E. M. Q. Jariwala, eds. K. Fujikawa and Y. Ono, (North Holland 1998).
7. Intrinsic decoherence and loss of Fermi-liquid behavior in mesoscopic systems
R. A. Webb, Pritiraj Mohanty & E. M. Q. Jariwala
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6. Decoherence and Quantum Fluctuations
Pritiraj Mohanty, Richard Webb
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5. Intrinsic Decoherence in Mesoscopic Systems
Pritiraj Mohanty, E.M.Q. Jariwala, R.A. Webb
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4. New measurements of persistent current in gold rings
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3. Scars in diffusive quantum dots
Pritiraj Mohanty & R. Webb, in Localization 96, edited by T. Dietl (1996).
2. Persistent current in an array of gold rings
Pritiraj Mohanty, E. M. Q. Jariwala, M. B. Ketchen, R. A. Webb, in Localization 96, edited by T. Dietl (1996).
1. A study of the long-term behavior of the SU URSAE MAJORIS dwarf novae VW Hydri and Z Chamaeleontis
Pritiraj Mohanty & Eric M. Schlegel
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22) 9,383,208: Electromechanical magnetometer and application thereof
21) 9,276,564: Noise-assisted reprogrammable nanomechanical logic gate and method
20) 9,030,080: Micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) resonators and related apparatus and methods
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